Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Are we exporting the wrong model?

At the weekend I saw Ann Leonard present the Story of Stuff - a critique of our consumer society. Although this is not much new, it is well put together and shows that our society is in overdrive and heading the wrong way. I don't want to repeat what she has to say, you can watch her presentation on www.thestoryofstuff.org .

But do we, in the West, do even more harm than portrait in the presentation/film. We have not only build the most successful consumer society which is based on ever more exploitation of our world, but we also agressivly promote this model to the rest of the world. An this will be the downfall of the system. As long as a relativly little community (The West) lived along this system and exploited the rest of the world, it had a fair chance of survival. Now that the rest of the world is catching up with us (because we want them to for economic and social reasons), the system will collapse. That is not the key problem as systems are replaced by other systems. The question is whether the system will break and be replaced before mankind collapses or after. So, in our own interest, should we not stop to promote the consumer society model to the rest of the world?

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