Friday, December 11, 2009

A day at COP15

COP15, 10 December 2009, Felt like a giant conference, fair ground, party, airport, UN negotiation room at the same time. Probably quite a good combination. Lots of side talks, drinks, shoulder clapping, self important twads and frentic press stuff.

If you are there for the whole two weeks you will probably have Entzugserscheinungen.

I hope the mega Buzz there will create the context in which the big boys and girls will decide something useful at the end.

Surely something will come out, at least it should give a signal that the world will now seriously de-carbonize. And this signal should provide enough of direction for the private sector to switch investments from high carbon to low/no carbon.

And hopefully then, the (carbon) cost/benefit analysis of this big jamboree will be positive.